President James Buchanan Speaks to Homeschoolers


153 years ago today James Buchanan was elected President of the United States. Buchanan graduated with honors from Dickinson College 200 years ago on September 19, 1809, served in the War of 1812 and had already served in the US House of Representatives, the US Senate, as US Minister to the United Kingdom and been offered a seat on the US Supreme court- which he turned down. November 4, 1856 marked the culmination of his accomplished academic and professional life.

But what you may not know is that James Buchanan was expelled from college for poor behavior. He appealed for a second chance and was given that opportunity. Buchanan obviously learned from his mistake and made the most of his merciful reprieve.

Do you need a second chance? Most of us do at one time or another. Whether it’s in parenting, marriage, our spiritual life, homeschooling, financial management, friendships or any of 100 other areas. God is in the business of second chances and if you’ll take to heart the lessons from past mistakes like James Buchanan you can change the future together with the Lord.

Tell your children the story of James Buchanan and his second chance. Maybe THEY need a new beginning today too.


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